Publications des agents du Cirad


Long-term tsetse and trypanosomiasis management options in West Africa

Hendrickx G., De La Rocque S., Mattioli R.C.. 2004. Rome : FAO, 70 p.. (PAAT Technical and scientific series, 6).

Tsetse-transmitted animal trypanosomiasis is a complex disease that directly and indirectly has an impact on Africa's crop and livestock agriculture. Over the past decade awareness of this fact has generated a drive and political will towards solving the problem at the continental scale. In this paper the authors use state-of-the-art spatial tools to study how, for West Africa, the variety of agro-ecological settings may have an impact on decision support towards that goal. First, the authors describe an approach towards selecting priority areas for area-wide tsetse and trypanosomiasis (T&T) control, based on the mapping of: dominant livestock systems with particular emphasis on the integration of livestock and crop agriculture towards mixed farming practices; tsetse ecology bands linked to the geoclimatic settings prevailing in West Africa - a northern dry band with fragmented tsetse populations and a southern humid band where tsetse are widespread. Priority areas are identified in the northern band of the tsetse belt where: tsetse populations are fragmented (and therefore vulnerable) or confined only to suitable vegetation along main river courses; fly reinvasion risk is minimal due to land pressure and adverse climatic conditions for tsetse; mixed farming predominates and an improved integration of crop and livestock agriculture may yield the highest benefits. Second, three case studies are discussed: the Togo national study (FAO project GCP-TOG-013-BEL), and two studies in Burkina Faso - the Sideradougou pastoral area (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement [CIRAD] - Centre International de Recherche-Développement sur l'Élevage en Zone Subhumide [CIRDES]) project) and the Mouhoun river basin (FAO project GCP-RAF-347-BEL). These three studies aimed at developing decision-support tools for the planning and implementation of integrated T&T control, based on holistic data sets on the spatial epidemiology of T&T (vectors,

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