Publications des agents du Cirad


The future of the Brazilian model of "sustainable agricultural growth"

Sampaio Carneiro M., Guéneau S., Toni F.. 2015. In : Kumar Pachauri Rajendra (ed.), Paugam Anne (ed.), Ribera Teresa (ed.), Tubiana Laurence (ed.). Building the future we want. New Delhi : TERI Press, p. 119-132. (A planet for life : sustainable development in action).

In response to international agreements and the influence of environmental movements, Brazil has implemented measures to protect the Amazon rainforest including the regulation of logging and the pursuit of a "sustainable agricultural growth model". This chapter examines whether Brazil is now on a pathway to sustainable development.

Mots-clés : développement durable; développement agricole; politique de développement; forêt tropicale; déboisement; protection de la forêt; abattage d'arbres; régulation de la production; législation de l'environnement; brésil

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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :