Publications des agents du Cirad


Farmers' perception and willingness to pay for climate information in Burkina Faso

Zongo B., Diarra A., Barbier B., Zorom M., Yacouba H., Dogot T.. 2016. Journal of Agricultural Science (Toronto), 8 (1) : p. 175-187.

DOI: 10.5539/jas.v8n1p175

This study highlights the perception and the option value of climate information in the sahelian and sudano-sahelian agro-climatic zones of Burkina Faso. From the sampled farmers only 21.78% have access to climate information, while 93% of them need climate information to guide through their decision in planning agricultural activities. Option value shows the interest granted by farmers using climate information. About 64% of the farmers are willing to pay an average of Francs CFA 546.34 to obtain climate information. The willingness to pay is determined by the the farmers' ability to predict the climate, to use radio as a means of information, farmers' awareness of previous forecasts and early onset of rainy season. While farmers considered benefits from the use of climate information, it is clear that its contribution to farm income remains a field of research to explore. Thus it is necessary to experiment with individual farms and to evaluate the contribution of climate information to the value added in different crops and farmers' income.

Mots-clés : agriculteur; perceptions; facteur climatique; système d'information; prévision météorologique; saison humide; achat; coût d'utilisation; agriculture; adaptation aux changements climatiques; modèle mathématique; burkina faso; zone soudano-sahélienne; sahel

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