Selenium status and supplementation in dromedary camels
Seboussi R., Alhadrami G., Askar M., Faye B.. 2009. Journal of Camelid Science, 2 : p. 8-14.
The Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius) is well suited to the desert environment due to its remarkable physiological and metabolic adaptation. Nutrients requirements of the camel are not well defined, particularly that of trace elements. Selenium supplementation is often recommended to treat conditions attributed to Se deficiency such as cardiomyopathy. This paper reports the results of four experiments carried out using pregnant, non-pregnant, young and adult female camels. The commercial source of Se (i.e. sodium selenite) was used to provide supplementary levels between 0 to 16 mg of Se/day. The concentration of Se in serum and the activity of erythrocytes glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) were measured. The Se concentration in serum of camels increased linearly with increased Se supplementation levels from 0 to 4 mg/day, then plateau when levels further increased to a maximum of 16 mg/day. The average Se concentration (expressed as ng/ml) ranged between 100 and 500. Similar trend was observed for the GSH-Px activity. The results suggest a maximum tolerable dose of 8 mg/day and the recommended dose between 2 and 4 mg/day.
Mots-clés : dromadaire; selenium; complément alimentaire pour animaux; alimentation des animaux; glutathion péroxydase; métabolisme; sang; fèces; urine; composé chimique; organe; poils; efficacité conversion alimentaire; camelus dromedarius; Émirats arabes unis
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