Publications des agents du Cirad


African wildlife veterinary project. Intermediate report: mid November 1998 - mid June 1999

Kock R., Chardonnet P.. 1999. Montpellier : CIRAD-EMVT, 141 p..

The purpose of this report is to provide information on the activities carried out by the African Wildlife Veterinary Project (AWVP), the wildlife branch of the rinderpest epiclemiosurvei I lance within the PARC project under OAU-IBAR. It covers the first period of activities from mid-November 98 to mid-June 99, i.e. during the first 7 months starting from the beginning of the projet.

Mots-clés : épidémiologie; peste bovine; projet de développement; animal sauvage; girafe; buffle africain; antilope; prélèvement sanguin; sérum sanguin; technique immunologique; formation; mali; tchad; république centrafricaine; congo; burkina faso; kenya; ouganda; république-unie de tanzanie; Éthiopie

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