Publications des agents du Cirad


Development of a long term strategy based on genetic resistance and agroecological approaches against coffee wilt disease in Africa : Fourth intermediate report: Covering period 1/11/2004 to 30/04/2005

Bieysse D.. 2005. Montpellier : CIRAD-AMIS, 47 p.. numero_rapport: CIRAD-AMIS N°13/2005.

During the period 1/11/2004 to 31/4/2005, the focus was on survey of wild coffee in primary forests of Uganda and the disease involved, improving the knowledge on genetic diversity of the pathogen with the use of new markers, evaluating influence of the sexual cycle on the diversity of the pathogen, identifying new resistant genotypes and planting resistant genotypes in hot spots disease.

Mots-clés : coffea canephora; fusarium; forêt primaire; maladie des plantes; variation génétique; génotype; relation hôte pathogène; résistance aux maladies; marqueur génétique; ouganda; fusarium xylarioides; gène de résistance

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