Publications des agents du Cirad


LittoSIM : une simulation interactive pour expérimenter des stratégies alternatives de prévention du risque de submersion marine

Becu N., Amalric M., Anselme B., Beck E., Bergossi P., Bertin X., Delay E., Marilleau N., Pignon-Mussaud C., Long N., Rieu G., Rousseaux F.. 2019. Paris : Shom, 1 diaporama (20 vues). Journées REFMAR. 3, 2019-03-27/2019-03-29, Paris.

Marine submersion is a major issue in coastal zones, which is becoming increasingly important with the global changes at work today (sea level rise, extreme climatic events, population increase in coastal areas...). In France, this issue was particularly publicized at the time of the Xynthia storm in 2010 which caused a large submersion (47 dead, 1 million homes deprived of electricity, 1.53 meter de surcote at La Rochelle). This event prompted an acceleration of coastal protection policies through the planning of a number of preventive measures. It also demonstrated a lack of risk culture by local officials and managers (technicians) in charge of risk prevention at the municipality level (in France, coastal risk prevention is managed at the municipal and inter-municipal level). A participatory simulation tool was specifically developed in 2005 and 2006, to foster social learning with municipalities' officials and managers, on the different possible prevention measures and help them built an integrated strategy at the inter-municipal level. The simulation tool and the setting of the participatory workshops held with this tool, are described in a previous paper (Becu et al. 2017). In short, the main design aspect of this participatory simulation is that participants teams, have to choose between different prevention measures, or actions (e.g. build, raise, dismantle dikes, modify the land use plan, relocate vulnerable housings, create higher residential densities or adapt housing equipment to flooding), according to their budget, their risk exposure, the lead time and the arrangements with the other teams. Submersion events occur fortuitously during the simulation, simulating the extent of flooding depending on previous players' actions, and players take note of the results and then seek to improve their prevention strategy. The debriefing is on the evolution of teams' prevention strategies throughout the simulation. To that end, their actions during the simulation a

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