Publications des agents du Cirad


MooSciTIC: Training of trainers in West African research and higher education

Atindehou M.M., Adeoti A.Z.K., Loko Yeyinou L.E., Beulé T., Paradis E., Djedatin G., Tranchant-Dubreuil C., Sabot F., Lagnika L., Jaligot E.. 2019. PLoS Biology, 17 (6) : 11 p..

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000312

The MooSciTIC project is a capacity-building initiative targeting West African research scientists and higher education teachers. The project aimed to improve the self-reliance of researchers and upgrade research practices by providing on-site summer schools on trans-disciplinary topics such as scientific writing, communication, and integrity. Here, we explain how this program was designed and implemented and share the positive responses from our trainees, hoping to inspire similar initiatives.

Mots-clés : publication; scientifique; formation; cours professionnel; communication; bénin; afrique occidentale; rédaction scientifique; intégrité scientifique

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Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)

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