Publications des agents du Cirad


AFSI mission report in Benin, june 21-29

Depommier D.. 1985. Montpellier : CIRAD, 11 p..

The mission trip was quite profitable, bath for AFSI and further cooperation. Attention should be given to Benin through collaboration or following existing AF projects very closely, because of its AF potential, possible development of it (strong interest to do something in this way from relatively well functioning national structures). Following the Benin AFSI Mission, it is envisaged to have 2 papers on Central region (Neré-Karité AF systems) and Southern region (AF system based on oil palm tree, in this last case, only if complementary info doc is obtained from Benin and Paris as expected).

Documents associés

Rapport de mission

Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :