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1 publication
Coulis M., Sauvadet M., Falk A., Prochasson A., Tsoukas L., Gervais L., Normand L., Rosalie E., Achard R., Monsoreau L., Telle N., Mauriol C., Birba O., Ornem G., Aliker M., Marville E., Daribo M.O., Sainte-Rose J.L., Dural D., Vincent K., Vilna T., Hery M., Gibert S., De Lapeyre de Bellaire L., Guillermet C.. 2023. In : Ocimati W. (ed.), Lescot T. (ed.), Lehrer K. (ed.). Proceedings of the XII International Symposium on Banana: Celebrating Banana Organic Production. Louvain : ISHS, p. 35-45. (Acta Horticulturae, 1367). International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2022): International Symposium on Banana: Celebrating Banana Organic Production. 31, 2022-08-14/2022-08-20, Angers (France).