Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop, pour chaque auteur en activité au Cirad.
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59 publications
Guerrini I.A., Nalesso P., Silva R., Paganini E., Justino S., Roder L., Capra G.F., Ganga A., Robin A.. 2024. In : Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences, Florence - Italy May 19 - 21, 2024 - Abstract Book. Florence : SISS, 1 p.. Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS 2024), 2024-05-19/2024-05-21, Florence (Italie).
Bouillet J.P., Bordron B., Laclau J.P., Robin A., Gonçalves J.L.M., Abreu-Junior C.H., Trivelin P.C.O., Nouvellon Y., Le Maire G.. 2023. Forest Ecology and Management, 550 : 10 p..
Waithaisong K., Robin A., Mareschal L., Bouillet J.P., Harmand J.M., Bordron B., Laclau J.P., Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Plassard C.. 2023. Plants, 12 (4) : 13 p..
Bizuti D.T.G., Robin A., Soares T.M., Moreno V.S., Almeida D.R.A., Andreote F.D., Casagrande J.C., Guillemot J., Hermann L., van Melis J.L., Perim J.E.L., de Medeiros S.D.S., Sorrini T.B., Brancalion P.H.S.. 2022. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59 (9) : p. 2262-2273.
DOI: 10.18167/DVN1/KLZJPI
Waithaisong K., Robin A., L'Huillery V., Abadie J., Sauvage F.X., Chemardin P., Mareschal L., Bouillet J.P., Laclau J.P., Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Plassard C.. 2022. Environmental Advances : 11 p..
Guillemot J., Brancalion P.H.S., Le Maire G., Laclau J.P., Stape J.L., Campoe O., Robin A.. 2022. In : Laclau Jean-Paul (ed.), De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo (ed.), Brito José Otavia (ed.). Duas décadas de cooperação cientÃfica CIRAD-ESALQ-IPEF. Anais de comemoração. Contribuição para a compreensão do funcionamento das plantações florestais tropicais de rápido crescimento. Piracicaba : IPEF, p. 41-43. (Série Técnica IPEF, 47).
Bouillet J.P., Gonçalves J.L.M., Le Maire G., Robin A., Paula R.R., Voigtlaender M., De Oliveira I.R., Bordon B., Nouvellon Y., Laclau J.P.. 2022. In : Laclau Jean-Paul (ed.), De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo (ed.), Brito José Otavia (ed.). Duas décadas de cooperação cientÃfica CIRAD-ESALQ-IPEF. Anais de comemoração. Contribuição para a compreensão do funcionamento das plantações florestais tropicais de rápido crescimento. Piracicaba : IPEF, p. 20-24. (Série Técnica IPEF, 47).
Robin A., Bordron B., Bouillet J.P., Christina M., Lambais G.R., Pradier C., Germon A., Pinheiro R.C., Gonçalves J.L.M., Guerrini L., Laclau J.P., Jourdan C.. 2022. In : Laclau Jean-Paul (ed.), De Moraes Gonçalves Jose Leonardo (ed.), Brito José Otavia (ed.). Duas décadas de cooperação cientÃfica CIRAD-ESALQ-IPEF. Anais de comemoração. Contribuição para a compreensão do funcionamento das plantações florestais tropicais de rápido crescimento. Piracicaba : IPEF, p. 14-19. (Série Técnica IPEF, 47).
Guillemot J., Asensio V., Bordron B., Nouvellon Y., Le Maire G., Bouillet J.P., Domec J.C., Delgado Rojas J.S., Abreu-Junior C.H., Battie Laclau P., Cornut I., Germon A., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Robin A., Laclau J.P.. 2021. Plant, Cell and Environment, 44 (9) : p. 2938-2950.
DOI: 10.1111/pce.14102
Arruda B., George P.B.L., Robin A., Mescolotti D.D.L.C., Herrera W.F.B., Jones D.L., Andreote F.D.. 2021. Mycorrhiza, 31 : p. 545-558.
Bordron B., Germon A., Laclau J.P., Oliveira I.R., Robin A., Jourdan C., Paula R.R., Pinheiro R.C., Guillemot J., Gonçalves J.L.M., Bouillet J.P.. 2021. Plant and Soil, 460 : p. 559-577.
Waithaisong K., Robin A., Mareschal L., Bouillet J.P., Laclau J.P., Deleporte P., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Harmand J.M., Plassard C.. 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 742 : 13 p..
Germon A., Laclau J.P., Robin A., Jourdan C.. 2020. Forest Ecology and Management, 466 : 16 p..
Germon A., Jourdan C., Bordron B., Robin A., Nouvellon Y., Chapuis-Lardy L., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Pradier C., Guerrini I.A., Laclau J.P.. 2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 445 : p. 48-59.
Bordron B., Robin A., Oliveira I.R., Guillemot J., Laclau J.P., Jourdan C., Nouvellon Y., Abreu-Junior C.H., Trivelin P.C.O., Gonçalves J.L.M., Plassard C., Bouillet J.P.. 2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 431 : p. 6-16.
Robin A., Pradier C., Sanguin H., Mahé F., Lambais G.R., de Araujo Pereira A.P., Germon A., Cintra Santana M., Tisseyre P., Pablo A.L., Heuillard P., Sauvadet M., Bouillet J.P., Dini Andreote F., Plassard C., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Bran Nogueira Cardoso E.J., Laclau J.P., Hinsinger P., Jourdan C.. 2019. Mycorrhiza, 29 (6) : p. 637-648.
Herrmann L., Lesueur D., Robin A., Robain H., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Bräu L.. 2019. Science of the Total Environment, 689 : p. 970-979.
Maillard F., Leduc V., Bach C., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Dini Andreote F., Saint-André L., Laclau J.P., Buée M., Robin A.. 2019. Microbial Ecology, 78 (2) : p. 528-533.
Pereira A.P.A., Durrer A., Gumiere T., Gonçalves J.L.M., Robin A., Bouillet J.P., Wang J., Verma J.P., Singh B.K., Cardoso E.J.B.N.. 2019. Forest Ecology and Management, 433 : p. 332-342.
De Oliveira I.R., Ribeiro Paula R., Bordron B., Vicente Ferraz A., Gonçalves J.L.M., Amaral Guerrini I., Robin A., Bouillet J.P.. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39 : p. 280-280. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, 2019-09-29/2019-10-05, Curitiba (Brésil).
Maillard F., Leduc V., Bach C., Gonçalves J.L.M., Dini Andreote F., Saint-André L., Laclau J.P., Buée M., Robin A.. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39 : p. 659-660. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, 2019-09-29/2019-10-05, Curitiba (Brésil).
Waithaisong K., Robin A., Mareschal L., Bouillet J.P., Laclau J.P., Gonçalves J.L.M., Villeneuve M., Deleporte P., Plassard C.. 2019. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, 39 : p. 659-659. IUFRO World Congress 2019 "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development". 25, 2019-09-29/2019-10-05, Curitiba (Brésil).
Germon A., Jourdan C., Chapuis-Lardy L., Pagès L., Gérard F., Blitz-Frayret C., Nouvellon Y., Robin A., Rosolem C., Gonçalves J.L.M., Guerrini I.A., Laclau J.P.. 2018. In : Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Abstracts book. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 25-26. Eucalyptus 2018, 2018-09-17/2018-09-21, Montpellier (France).
De Oliveira I.R., Behling M., Hakamada R., Moreira G., Brandani C., Gonçalves J.L.M., Guerrini I.A., Laclau J.P., Robin A., Bordron B., Le Maire G., Bouillet J.P.. 2018. In : Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Abstracts book. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 163-164. Eucalyptus 2018, 2018-09-17/2018-09-21, Montpellier (France).
Robin A., Pradier C., Sanguin H., Mahe F., Lambais G.R., de Araujo Pereira A.P., Germon A., Cintra M., Tisseyre P., Pablo A.L., Heuillard P., Saudavet M., Bouillet J.P., Androte F.D., Plassard C., Bran Nogueira Cardoso E.J., Laclau J.P., Hinsinger P., Jourdan C.. 2018. In : Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Abstracts book. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 38-39. Eucalyptus 2018, 2018-09-17/2018-09-21, Montpellier (France).
Jourdan C., Germon A., Pradier C., Gomide M., Guerrini I.A., Rodrigues T., Lambais G.R., Robin A., Gonçalves J.L.M., Hinsinger P., Laclau J.P.. 2018. In : Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Abstracts book. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 94-95. Eucalyptus 2018, 2018-09-17/2018-09-21, Montpellier (France).
Germon A., Jourdan C., Bordron B., Robin A., Gonçalves J.L.M., Chapuis-Lardy L., Guerrini I.A., Laclau J.P.. 2018. In : Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Abstracts book. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 142-143. Eucalyptus 2018, 2018-09-17/2018-09-21, Montpellier (France).
Laclau J.P., Germon A., Pinheiro R., Lambais G.R., Bordron B., Christina M., Bouillet J.P., Nouvellon Y., Gonçalves J.L.M., Robin A., Guillemot J., Le Maire G., Jourdan C.. 2018. In : Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Abstracts book. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 96-97. Eucalyptus 2018, 2018-09-17/2018-09-21, Montpellier (France).
Lambais G.R., Jourdan C., De Cassia Piccolo M., Germon A., Costa Pinheiro R., Nouvellon Y., Stape J.L., Camargo Campoe O., Robin A., Bouillet J.P., Le Maire G., Laclau J.P.. 2017. Plant and Soil, 421 (1-2) : p. 301-318.
Colombet J., Robin A., Sime-Ngando T.. 2017. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 53 : p. 48-59.
Le Guen M.E., Herrmann L., Robain H., Wiriyakitnateekul W., De Oliveira T., Robin A., Srimawong P., Bräu L., Lesueur D.. 2017. Geoderma, 305 : p. 21-29.
de Araujo Pereira A.P., Avelino Maia de Andrade P., Bini D., Durrer A., Robin A., Bouillet J.P., Dini Andreote F., Bran Nogueira Cardoso E.J.. 2017. PloS One, 12 (7) : 15 p..
Germon A., Jourdan C., Chapuis-Lardy L., Robin A., Antonio Rosolem C., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Amaral Guerrini I., Laclau J.P.. 2017. In : Book of Abstracts IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017. Baden-Württemberg : Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt (FVA); IUFRO, p. 385-385. 125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress, 2017-09-18/2017-09-22, Freiburg (Allemagne).
Bordron B., De Oliveira I.R., Robin A., Laclau J.P., Nouvellon Y., Abreu-Junior C.H., Trivelin P.C.O., Gonçalves J.L.M., Bouillet J.P.. 2017. In : Book of Abstracts IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress 2017. Baden-Württemberg : Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt (FVA); IUFRO, p. 708-708. 125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress, 2017-09-18/2017-09-22, Freiburg (Allemagne).
Germon A., Nouvellon Y., Christophe J., Chapuis-Lardy L., Robin A., Rosolem C., Gonalves J.L.D.M., Guerrini I.A., Laclau J.P.. 2017. New Orleans : AGU, 1 p.. AGU Fall Meeting, 2017-12-15/2017-12-11, New Orleans (Etats-Unis).
Ruggiero Bachega L., Bouillet J.P., De Cassia Piccolo M., Saint André L., Bouvet J.M., Nouvellon Y., De Moraes Gonçalves J.L., Robin A., Laclau J.P.. 2016. Forest Ecology and Management, 359 : p. 33-43.
Herrmann L., Lesueur D., Bräu L., Davison J., Jairus T., Robain H., Robin A., Vasar M., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Öpik M.. 2016. Mycorrhiza, 26 (8) : p. 863-877.
Herrmann L., Bräu L., Robin A., Robain H., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Lesueur D.. 2016. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 62 (7) : p. 1041-1048.
Tang X., Placella S.A., Daydé F., Bernard L., Robin A., Journet E.P., Justes E., Hinsinger P.. 2016. Plant and Soil, 407 (1) : p. 119-134.
Waithaisong K., Robin A., Martin A., Clairotte M., Villeneuve M., Plassard C.. 2015. Geoderma, 257-258 : p. 94-101.
Plassard C., Robin A., Le Cadre E., Marsden C., Trap J., Herrmann L., Waithaisong K., Lesueur D., Blanchard E., Chapuis-Lardy L., Hinsinger P.. 2015. Innovations Agronomiques, 43 : p. 115-138.
Tournier E., Amenc L., Pablo A.L., Legname E., Blanchart E., Plassard C., Robin A., Bernard L.. 2015. MethodsX, 2 : p. 182-191.
Hinsinger P., Herrmann L., Lesueur D., Robin A., Trap J., Waithaisong K., Plassard C.. 2015. In : Plaxton William C. (ed.), Lambers Hans (ed.). Phosphorus metabilism in plants. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, p. 377-407. (Annual plant reviews, 48).
Herrmann L., Bräu L., Nowak V., Öpik M., Ranjard L., Robain H., Robin A., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Lesueur D.. 2015. Hanoï : s.n., 1 p.. Sunrise meeting Soil management practices and incidence on microbial and nematode communities. 2, 2015-10-05/2015-10-06, Hanoï (Viet Nam).
Lesueur D., Herrmann L., Robin A., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Bräu L.. 2015. In : Webb Michael J. (ed.), Nelson Paul N. (ed.), Bessou Cécile (ed.), Caliman Jean-Pierre (ed.), Sutarta Edy Sigit (ed.). Sustainable management of soil in oil palm plantings. Canberra : ACIAR, p. 47-47. (ACIAR Proceedings, 144). Workshop on Sustainable Management of Soil Fertility under Oil Palm, 2013-11-07/2013-11-08, Medan (Indonésie).
Herrmann L., Bräu L., Öpik M., Robain H., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Robin A., Lesueur D.. 2014. In : PSP5 2014 Facing Phosphorus Scarcity Phosphorus in Soils and Plants. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 67-67. International Symposium Phosphorus in Soils and Plants. 5, 2014-08-26/2014-08-29, Montpellier (France).
Herrmann L., Bräu L., Öpik M., Robain H., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Robin A., Lesueur D.. 2014. Bangkok : s.n., p. 1-1. International Mycology Conference 10. 10, 2014-08-03/2014-08-08, Bangkok (Thaïlande).
Herrmann L., Bräu L., Nowak V., Öpik M., Ranjard L., Robain H., Robin A., Wiriyakitnateekul W., Lesueur D.. 2014. In : Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) ; EcoFINDERS. Book of abstracts of the First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference - Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services, Dijon, France, 2-5 December 2014. s.l. : s.n., p. 504-504. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, 2014-12-02/2014-12-05, Dijon (France).
Robin A., Harmand J.M., Delporte P., Brauman A., Marechal M., Stella-Koutika L., Plassard C., Villenave C., et al.. 2014. In : Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) ; EcoFINDERS. Book of abstracts of the First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference - Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services, Dijon, France, 2-5 December 2014. s.l. : s.n., p. 523-523. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, 2014-12-02/2014-12-05, Dijon (France).
Lambais G.R., Picolo M.C., Robin A., Jourdan C., Plassard C., Bouillet J.P., Nouvellon Y., Laclau J.P., et al.. 2014. In : Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI) ; EcoFINDERS. Book of abstracts of the First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference - Assessing soil biodiversity and its role for ecosystem services, Dijon, France, 2-5 December 2014. s.l. : s.n., p. 214-214. First Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, 2014-12-02/2014-12-05, Dijon (France).
Lemanceau P., Mazurier S., Avoscan L., Robin A., Briat J.F.. 2013. In : De Bruijn Frans J. (ed.). Molecular microbial ecology of the rhizosphere. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell [Royaume-Uni], p. 1181-1189.
Roux S., Enault F., Robin A., Ravet V., Personnic S., Theil S., Colombet J., Sime-Ngando T., Debroas D.. 2012. PloS One, 7 (3) : 12 p..
Borrel G., Colombet J., Robin A., Lehours A.C., Prangishvili D., Sime-Ngando T.. 2012. ISME Journal, 6 : p. 2119-2127.
Robin A., Bernard L., Razafimbelo-Andriamifidy T., Tournier E., Amenc L., Douzet J.M., Blanchart E.. 2012. In : 4th international congress of the European soil science societies Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 02-06 July 2012. s.l. : s.n., p. 2251-2251. International congress of the european soil science societies Eurosoil 2012. 4, 2012-07-02/2012-07-06, Bari (Italie).
Isabelle B., Amougou N., Brauman A., Robin A., Brun A., Recous S.. 2012. In : 4th international congress of the European soil science societies Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 02-06 July 2012. s.l. : s.n., p. 2206-2206. International congress of the european soil science societies Eurosoil 2012. 4, 2012-07-02/2012-07-06, Bari (Italie).
Robin A., Mareschal L., Amenc L., Pablo A.L., Bernard L., Versini A., Laclau J.P., Harmand J.M., Plassard C.. 2012. In : 4th international congress of the European soil science societies Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 02-06 July 2012. s.l. : s.n., p. 2207-2207. International congress of the european soil science societies Eurosoil 2012. 4, 2012-07-02/2012-07-06, Bari (Italie).
Tournier E., Amenc L., Pablo A.L., Legname E., Blanchart E., Plassard C., Robin A., Recous S.. 2012. In : 4th international congress of the European soil science societies Eurosoil 2012, Bari, Italy, 02-06 July 2012. s.l. : s.n., p. 2214-2214. International congress of the european soil science societies Eurosoil 2012. 4, 2012-07-02/2012-07-06, Bari (Italie).
Bettarel Y., Bouvier T., Bouvier C., Carré C., Desnues A., Domaizon I., Jacquet S., Robin A., Sime-Ngando T.. 2011. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 76 (2) : p. 360-372.
Viollet A., Corberand T., Mougel C., Robin A., Lemanceau P., Mazurier S.. 2011. FEMS Microbiology, Ecology, 75 (3) : p. 457-467.