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8 publications
Laurans M., Munoz F., Charles-Dominique T., Heuret P., Fortunel C., Isnard S., Sabatier S.A., Caraglio Y., Violle C.. 2024. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 39 (6) : p. 524-536.
Salmon C., Isnard S., Caraglio Y., Heuret P.. 2023. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 202 (4) : p. 510-528.
Pillon Y., Jaffré T., Birnbaum P., Bruy D., Cluzel D., Ducousso M., Fogliani B., Ibanez T., Jourdan H., Lagarde L., Leopold A., Munzinger J., Pouteau R., Read J., Isnard S.. 2020. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133 (2) : p. 317-341.
Ibanez T., Birnbaum P., Gâteblé G., Hequet V., Isnard S., Munzinger J., Pillon Y., Pouteau R., Vandrot H., Jaffré T.. 2019. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28 (1) : p. 245-254.
Poncet V., Birnbaum P., De Kochko A., Fogliani B., Gâteblé G., Isnard S., Jaffré T., Job D., Munoz F., Munzinger J., Scutt C.P., Tournebize R., Trueba S., Pillon Y.. 2019. Annual Plant Reviews Online, 2 (3) : p. 867-908.
Trueba S., Isnard S., Barthélémy D., Olson M.E.. 2016. AoB Plants, 8 : 18 p..
Isnard S., Prospéri M.J., Wanke S., Wagner S.T., Samain M.C., Trueba S., Frenzke L., Neinhuis C., Rowe N.P.. 2012. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 173 (6) : p. 610-639.
DOI: 10.1086/665821
Rowe N.P., Isnard S.. 2010. In : Rival Alain (ed.). Palms 2010, Biology of the palm family (Abstracts books) : International Symposium 5-7 May 2010, Montpellier, France. s.l. : s.n., p. 16-16. International Symposium on the Biology of the Palm Family, 2010-05-05/2010-05-07, Montpellier (France).