Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop depuis 2008, par pays et établissement d'appartenance des coauteurs.
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6 publications
Palu S., Tardan E., Pioch D., Brancheriau L., Boutahar N., Dorget M.. 2019. In : Advancing the adoption of industrial crops through innovation and technology: Program and Abstracts. Tucson : AAIC, p. 28. Annual Meeting Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops. 31, 2019-09-08/2019-09-11, Tucson (Etats-Unis).
Tardan E., Palu S., Pioch D., Brancheriau L., Boutahar N., Dorget M.. 2019. In : Development of innovative alternative crops for the production of natural rubber. Book of abstracts. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p.. Conference on the Topic of Alternative Sources of Natural Rubber, 2019-11-04/2019-11-06, Montpellier (France).
Dorget M., Amor A., Palu S., Pioch D.. 2016. In : Berti M.T. (ed.), Alexopoulou E. (ed.). Industrial crops: promoting sustainability. Rochester : AAIC, p. 30-30. Association for the Advancement of Industrial Crops International Conference, 2016-09-24/2016-09-28, Rochester (Etats-Unis).
Dorget M., Amor A., Palu S., Pioch D., Tardan E., Guerin D., Mourton-Gilles C.. 2013. In : Association Française des Ingénieurs et Cadres du Caoutchouc et des Polymères (AFICEP). International rubber conference IRC2013, 20-22 mars 2013, Paris, France. s.l. : s.n., (24 vues).
Palu S., Pioch D., Chapuset T., Snoeck D., Tardan E., Bonfils F., Amor A., Dorget M., Suchat S., Sfeir N.. 2013. In : IRRI. Global Rubber Conference 2013, Palembang, Indonesia, 1er-3 october, 2013. s.l. : s.n., 29 vues. Global Rubber Conference, 2013-10-01/2013-10-03, Palembang (Indonésie).
Dorget M., Palu S., Guérin G.. 2012. In : EU-PEARLS. Congress: "BioRubber for Europe in Global Perspective", Wageningen, The Netherlands, on September 24-25, 2012. s.l. : s.n., 11 vues. Congress: BioRubber for Europe in Global Perspective, 2012-09-24/2012-09-25, Wageningen (Pays-Bas).