Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop depuis 2008, par pays et établissement d'appartenance des coauteurs.
Année de publication : | Type de document : |
10 publications
Lawal J., Bataille A., Bordier M., Monne I., Ugbebor O., Shittu I., Ariyo G.. 2024. In : Toillier Aurélie (ed.), Guillonnet Renaud (ed.), Dolinska Aleksandra (ed.), Henriquez Priscila (ed.), Perez Myriam (ed.), Lima de Faria Margarida (ed.). Activating agricultural transitions to sustainability through participatory research and co-innovation. Stories of change across Africa, Asia and Latin America from the DeSIRA initiative. Paris : CIRAD, p. 63-67.
Mantip S., Sigismeau A., Shamaki D., Woma T.Y., Kwiatek O., Libeau G., Farougou S., Bataille A.. 2022. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69 (3) : p. 1634-1640.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.14073
Bordier M., Grosbois V., Rayaanu U., Olabode M., Chollom S., Bolajoko M.. 2022. In : 16th International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics - Conneting animals, people, and their shared enivronments : Abstract book. Halifax : ISVEE, p. 308. International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE 16). 16, 2022-08-07/2022-08-12, Halifax (Canada).
Mantip S., Sigismeau A., Nanven M., Atuman J., Qasim A.M., Aliyu S., Musa I., Ezeanyika O., Faramade I., Ahmed G., Woma T.Y., Shamaki D., Libeau G., Farougou S., Bataille A.. 2021. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 88 (1) : 7 p..
Fusaro A., Zecchin B., Vrancken B., Abolnik C., Ademun R., Alassane A., Arafa A., Awuni J.A., Couacy-Hymann E., Coulibaly M.'.B., Gaidet N., Go-Maro E., Joannis T.M., Jumbo S.D., Minoungou G., Meseko C., Souley M.M., Ndumu D.B., Shittu I., Twabela A., Wade A., Wiersma L., Akpeli Y.P., Zamperin G., Milani A., Lemey P., Monne I.. 2019. Nature Communications, 10 : 13 p..
Dimitrov K.M., Abolnik C., Afonso C.L., Albina E., Bahl J., Berg M., Briand F.X., Brown I.H., Choi K.S., Chvala I., Diel D.G., Durr P.A., Ferreira H.L., Fusaro A., Gil P., Goujgoulova G.V., Grund C., Hicks J.T., Joannis T.M., Torchetti M.K., Kolosov S., Lambrecht B., Lewis N.S., Liu H., Liu H., McCullough S., Miller P.J., Monne I., Muller C.P., Munir M., Reischak D., Sabra M., Samal S.K., Servan de Almeida R.. 2019. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 74 : 15 p..
Adombi C.M., Lelenta M., Lamien C.E., Shamaki D., Koffi Y.M., Traoré A., Silber R., Couacy-Hymann E., Bodjo S.C., Djaman J.A., Luckins A.G., Diallo A.. 2011. Journal of Virological Methods, 173 (2) : p. 306-313.
Nwankpa N.D., Manso-Silvan L., Lorenzon S., YaYa A., Lombin L.H., Thiaucourt F.. 2010. Veterinary Microbiology, 146 (3-4) : p. 354-355.
Le Goff C., Euloge Lamien C., Fakhfakh E., Chadeyras A., Aba-Adulugba E., Libeau G., Tuppurainen E., Wallace D.B., Adam T., Silber R., Gulyaz V., Madani H., Caufour P., Hammami S., Diallo A., Albina E.. 2009. Journal of General Virology, 90 : p. 1967-1977.
Gaidet N., Cattoli G., Hammoumi S., Newman S., Hagemeijer W., Takekawa J.Y., Cappelle J., Dodman T., Joannis T.M., Gil P., Monne I., Fusaro A., Capua I., Manu S., Micheloni P., Ottosson U., Mshelbwala J.H., Lubroth J., Domenech J., Monicat F.. 2008. PLoS Pathogens, 4 (8) : p. 1-9.