Cette entrée donne accès aux publications déposées dans Agritrop depuis 2008, par pays et établissement d'appartenance des coauteurs.
Année de publication : | Type de document : |
16 publications
Salojärvi J., Rambani A., Yu Z., Guyot R., Strickler S.R., Lepelley M., Wang C., Rajaraman S., Rastas P., Zheng C., Santos Muñoz D., Meidanis J., Rossi Paschoal A., Bawin Y., Krabbenhoft T.J., Wang Z.Q., Fleck S.J., Aussel R., Bellanger L., Charpagne A., Fournier C., Kassam M., Lefebvre G., Métairon S., Descombes P., Rigoreau M., Stolte J., Hamon P., Couturon E., Tranchant-Dubreuil C., Mukherjee M., Lan T., Engelhardt J., Stadler P., De Lemos S.M.C., Ivamoto Suzuki S., Sumirat U., Wai C.M., Dauchot N., Orozco-Arias S., Garavito G., Kiwuka C., Musoli P., Nalukenge A., Guichoux E., Reinout H., Smit M., Carretero-Paulet L., Guerreiro Filho O., Toma Braghini M., Padilha L., Hiroshi Sera G., Ruttink T., Henry R., Marraccini P., et al.. 2024. Nature Genetics, 56 : p. 721-731.
Sonwa D.J., Sufo Kankeu R., Itsoua Madzous G.L., Loh Chia E., Medjibe V., Langevin C., Ouarzazi L., Carodenuto S., Moufouma-Okia W., Guizol P., Ndjatsana M., Ebuy J., Tellro Wai N., Tsayem Demaze M., Kengoum F., Kenfack C.E., Bele Y., Fobissié K., Gapia M., Kevis Koss N.L.. 2022. In : Eba'a Atyi Richard (ed.), Hiol Hiol François (ed.), Lescuyer Guillaume (ed.), Mayaux Philippe (ed.), Defourny Pierre (ed.), Bayol Nicolas (ed.), Saracco Filippo (ed.), Pokem Dany (ed.), Sufo Kankeu Richard (ed.), Nasi Robert (ed.). Les forêts du Bassin du Congo : état des Forêts 2021. Bogor : CIFOR, p. 195-224.
Martin P., Bladier C., Meek B., Bruyere O., Feinblatt E., Touvier M., Watier L., Makowski D.. 2018. Environmental Health Perspectives, 126 (7) : 15 p..
DOI: 10.1289/EHP3067
Inkpen D. (ed.), Roche M. (ed.), Teisseire M. (ed.). 2018. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, 5 (2-3) : p. 81-211.
Teisseire M., Roche M., Inkpen D.. 2018. In : Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA). Turin : IEEE Computer Society, p. 575-576. IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA). 5, 2018-10-01/2018-10-04, Turin (Italie).
Eba'a Atyi R. (ed.), Sonwa D.J., Guizol P., Itsoua Madzous G.L., Fobissié K., Medjibé V., Tsanga R., Liboum M., Awono A., Essamba L.F., Jungers Q., Palla F.. 2018. Yaoundé : Observatory of Central African Forests (OFAC), 4 p.. (OFAC Brief, 2).
Bladier C. (ed.), Makowski D., Albert I., Bonvallot N., Boudia S., Brochot C., Bruyere O., Glorennec P., Martin P., Meek B., Saegerman C., Touvier M., Watier L.. 2017. Maisons-Alfort : ANSES, 80 p..
De Kochko A., Crouzillat D., Rigoreau M., Lepelley M., Bellanger L., Merot l'Anthoene V., Vandecasteele C., Guyot R., Poncet V., Tranchant-Dubreuil C., Hamon P., Hamon S., Couturon E., Descombes P., Moine D., Mueller L., Strickler S.R., Andrade A.A., Protasio Pereira L.F., Marraccini P., Giuliano G., Fiore A., Pietrella M., Aprea G., Ming R., Wai J., Domingues D.S., Paschoal A., Kuhn G., Korlach J., Chin J., Sankoff D., Zheng C., Albert V.A.. 2015. In : Plant and Animal Genomes Conference XXIII Conference, San diego, United States, San Diego, United States, January 10-14, 2015. s.l. : s.n.. Plant and Animal Genome Conference. 23, 2015-01-10/2015-01-14, San Diego (Etats-Unis).
Mueller L., Strickler S.R., Domingues D.S., Pereira L.F.P., Andrade A.A., Marraccini P., Ming R., Wai J., Albert V.A., Giuliano G., Fiore A., Pietrella M., Aprea G., Descombes P., Moine D., Guyot R., Poncet V., Hamon P., Hamon S., Tranchant C., Couturon E., De Kochko A., Lepelley M., Bellanger L., Merot l'Anthoene V., Vandecasteele C., Rigoreau M., Crouzillat D., Paschoal Rossi A., Sankoff D., Zheng C., Kuhn G., Korlach J., Chin J.. 2015. In : Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Coffee Science. Paris : ASIC, p. 42-45. International Conference on Coffee Science. 25, 2014-09-08/2014-09-13, Armenia (Colombie).
Denoeud F., Carretero-Paulet L., Dereeper A., Droc G., Guyot R., Pietrella M., Chunfang Zheng, Alberti A., Anthony F., Aprea G., Aury J.M., Bento P., Bernard M., Bocs S., Campa C., Cenci A., Combes M.C., Crouzillat D., Da Silva C., Daddiego L., De Bellis F., Dussert S., Garsmeur O., Gayraud T., Guignon V., Jahn K., Jamilloux V., Joët T., Labadie K., Tianying Lan, Leclercq J., Lepelley M., Leroy T., Lei-Ting Li, Librado P., Lopez L., Muñoz A., Noël B., Pallavicini A., Perrotta G., Poncet V., Pot D., Priyono, Rigoreau M., Rouard M., Rozas J., Tranchant-Dubreuil C., VanBuren R., Qiong Zhang, Andrade A.A., Argout X., Bertrand B., De Kochko A., Graziosi G., Henry R., Jayarama, Ming R., Nagai C., Rounsley S., Sankoff D., Giuliano G., Albert V.A., Wincker P., Lashermes P.. 2014. Science, 345 (6201) : p. 1181-1184.
Pinto L.M.N., Fiuza L.M., Ziegler D., De Oliveira J.V., Menezes V.G., Bourrié I., Meynard D., Guiderdoni E., Breitler J.C., Altosaar I., Gantet P.. 2013. Journal of Economic Entomology, 106 (6) : p. 2585-2594.
DOI: 10.1603/EC13163
Trabelsi H., Sakouhi F., Renaud J., Villeneuve P., Khouja M.L., Mayer P., Boukhchina S.. 2012. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 114 (8) : p. 968-973.
Trabelsi H., Cherif O.A., Sakouhi F., Villeneuve P., Renaud J., Barouh N., Boukhchina S., Mayer P.. 2012. Food Chemistry, 131 (2) : p. 434-440.
De Kochko A., Albert V.A., Andrade A.C., Argout X., Bertrand B., Giuliano G., Graziosi G., Henry R., Jayarama J., Lashermes P., Ming R., Nagai C., Rounsley S., Sankoff D., Wincker P.. 2011. In : Abstracts of Plant and Animal Genomes XIXth Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), January 15-19, 2011. s.l. : s.n.. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 19, 2011-01-15/2011-01-19, San Diego (Etats-Unis).
Wincker P., Albert V.A., Andrade A.A., Argout X., Bertrand B., De Kochko A., Giuliano G., Graziosi G., Henry R., Jayarama J., Lashermes P., Ming R., Nagai C., Rounsley S., Sankoff D.. 2011. In : Abstracts of Plant and Animal Genomes XIXth Conference, San Diego, CA (USA), January 15-19, 2011. s.l. : s.n.. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference. 19, 2011-01-15/2011-01-19, San Diego (Etats-Unis).
Woodrow M., Strankmann P., Carrizo S., Duarte L.M.G., Sabourin E., Morales H., Tourrand J.F., Recharte J., Waquil P.. 2010. In : Coudel Emilie (ed.), Devautour Hubert (ed.), Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Hubert Bernard (ed.). International symposium ISDA 2010. Innovation and sustainable development in agriculture and food : Abstracts and papers. Montpellier : CIRAD, 1 p.. International symposium ISDA 2010, 2010-06-28/2010-07-01, Montpellier (France).