Publications des agents du Cirad


Aldicarb : Magnitude of total aldicarb residues in bananas treated with TEMIKr 10GG at extented preharvest intervals (French West Indies)

Chabrier C.. 1998. Fort-de-France : CIRAD-FLHOR, 18 p..

In 1997 and 1998 a field study with the insecticide TEMIKr 10GG was carried out in bananas in Martinique to evaluate residues in bananas collected at harvest maturity from plots treated with TEMIKr 10GG at a rate of 2.2 g a. i./mat at extended PHI's (nominally 150 and 180 PHI, and from planting to harvest). First and second generation plants were tested. The trial was laid out in a banana plantation in Martinique and was representative of banana production for the area. The trial consisted of five treatments and each treatment consisted of one plot. Samples were collected from the untreated and treated plots at normal commercial maturity from the first and second generation plants. Samples were shipped to RhônePoulenc Ag Company--Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, U.S.

Mots-clés : musa; lutte anti-insecte; insecticide; résidu; expérimentation; martinique; france

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