Impact de la jachère à Acacia mearnsii sur l'avifaune réunionnaise
Tassin J., Mallet B., Peltier R.. 1997. In : L'agroforesterie pour un développement durable. Recherche fondamentale et modélisation, applications tempérées et méditerranéennes. Montpellier : CIRAD, p. 175-180. Atelier International sur L'agroforesterie pour un Développement Rural Durable, 1997-06-23/1997-06-29, Montpellier (France).
Acacia mearnsii has been commonly used in la Réunion Island as a fallow in culture of pelargionium. In most agroforestry systems, as distinct from hedge systems, the impact on fallowbased systems on landscape components, especially bird communities, needs more studies. Using canonical correspondance analysis, we have obtained an ordination of bird communities taking account of the presence of A. mearnsii in the landscape. To avoid altitudinal effects, we have eliminated the factor altitude in our statistical analysis. This way, the ordination along a factorial axis is a means to easily identify distinct groupings of birds, with reference to the presence of A. mearnsii and independently of altitude. Nevertheless, more consideration must be given to the shape or connectivity of A. mearnsii fallows with other landscape components, which can quantify more accurately the differences in bird communities.
Mots-clés : agroforesterie; système jachère; jachère forestière; introduction de plantes; variété introduite; acacia mearnsii; biodiversité; oiseau; dynamique des populations; relation plante animal; la réunion; france
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