Major diseases affecting sugarcane production in Guadeloupe and Réunion Island, and recent experience with sugarcane diseases in quarantine at CIRAD-CA in Montpellier
Rott P., Daugrois J.H., Girard J.C.. 1996. In : Croft B.J., Piggin C., Wallis E.S., Hogarth D.M. Sugarcane germplasm, conservation and exchange. Report of an international workshop = [Le matériel génétique de la canne à sucre, conservation et échange. Compte-rendu d'un atelier international]. Canberra : ACIAR, p. 49-50. International Workshop on Sugarcane Germplasm, Conservation and Exchange, 1995-06-28/1995-06-30, Brisbane (Australie).
No major diseases are currently affecting sugarcane production to a large extent in Guadeloupe and Réunion Island at this time. However, numerous diseases, including rust. smut, leaf scald and ratoon stunting disease, are present, and constant observation and care in breeding programs are required. Leaf scald caused by Xanhomonas albilineans and mosaic caused by the sugarcane mosaic virus are the most frequent diseases encountered at CIRAD's sugarcane quarantine in Montpellier, France.
Mots-clés : saccharum; quarantaine; contrôle de maladies; maladie des plantes; la réunion; guadeloupe; france
Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Daugrois Jean-Heinrich — Bios / UMR PHIM
- Rott Philippe — Bios / UMR PHIM