Comunicacao e difusao da inovacao entre as comunidades de massaroca (Juazeiro-BA) : o papel das relacoes de proximidade
Sabourin E., Da Rocha Barros E., Goncalves Peres J.I.. 1999. In : Barros, H.M. de ; Navaes, A.M. Novas perspectivas sobre a produçao social na agricultura do Nordeste. Recife : APIPSA, p. 147-161. Encontro Nordeste da APIPSA Agricultura Regional : entre o Local e o Global. 4, 1997-11-12/1997-11-14, Recife (Brésil).
This work aimes at qualifying interpersonal relationship among small famers in the rural comunities of Massaroca region (Juazeiro, Bahia), in order to identificate prviilegious ways for the diffusion of innovation. Two methodological tools are used : the identification of communication themes and locus on one hand and tecnical communication networks on the other hand. Conuuunication within families and communities still depends of reciprocity relationship, Access to innovation is realized through midlle-men like organization leaders, experiment farmers and rural primary school teachers, which manage privilegious contacts with technicians, extensionists and state or municipal administration. The circulation of technical and economicals information within the communities and the discussions about innovation are realized throug dialog networks. The mechanisms of innovation appropriation mixed proximity relationship (neighbourhood, friendship and parentship) with the formal farmers organization which help to catch public or private technical assistance and resources.
Mots-clés : innovation; technique de communication; diffusion de l'information; petite exploitation agricole; réseau de recherche; organisation paysanne; brésil; bahia
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Sabourin Eric — Es / UMR ART-DEV