Publications des agents du Cirad


Improvements in the practical methods of assessment of losses caused by insects in grain stored at the village level in tropical Africa

Ratnadass A., Fleurat-Lessard F.. 1991. In : Fleurat-Lessard Francis (ed.), Ducom Patrick (ed.). Comptes-rendus de la 5ème conférence internationale sur la protection des denrées stockées. Villenave-d'Ornon : INRA, p. 1681-1692. International Working Conference on Stored-Product Protection. 5, 1990-09-09/1990-09-14, Bordeaux (France).

The application of variants of the Thousand Grain Mass method and of the Count and Weigh method for assessing weight losses caused by insects during the storage of 1aize, paddy rice and sorghum grain in villages of Côte d'Ivoire and Central African Republic bas allowed a new improvenent in the second method, which enables a good correlation of loss level with a biologically unbiased criterion. In this study realized under field laboratory conditions as also regarding the grain variability and the sampling pattern required, the second method proves to be by far the most practical and accurate. The implications of these results are discussed in the view of a field application for loss assessment programs.

Mots-clés : zea mays; riz; sorgho en grain; perte de poids; perte au stockage; ravageur des denrées entreposées; insecte nuisible; échantillonnage; côte d'ivoire; république centrafricaine

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