Analysis of cellular responses to native and recombinant proteins of Cowdria ruminantium
Totté P., McKeever D., Jongejan F., Barbet A., Mahan S.M., Mwangi D.M., Bensaïd A.. 1998. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 849 : p. 155-160. Biennial Conference of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medecine. 4, 1997-05-05/1997-05-09, Montpellier (France).
The response of PBMC collected from cattle immunized with killed Cowdria to MAP1, MAP1-B, MAP2 and to a lysate of Cowdria was characterized in vitro. CD4+ T lymphocytes responded strongly to Cowdria lysates while B cells and yb T cells proliferated in response to recombinant proteins. Short-term cell lines derived from PBMC using Cowdria lysates were more than 90% CD4+ and did not respond to any of the recombinant proteins. Restimulation of PBMC with MAP1, MAP1-B, and MAP2 proved difficult, and cultures usually stopped proliferating after 2 to 3 weeks. Only one cell line could be generated using MAP1 and it was composed of 85% yb T cells. This study indicates that in animals immunized with killed Cowdria, proteins other than the serologically immunodominant MAP1 and MAP2 are strongly immunogenic for T lymphocytes.
Mots-clés : ehrlichia ruminantium; réponse immunitaire; vaccin synthétique; immunisation; lymphocyte; protéine recombinante
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Totté Philippe — Bios / UMR ASTRE