CMO banana. 2001 compensatory aid: Low tide
Loeillet D.. 2002. Fruitrop (English ed.) (91) : p. 4-5.
After the shock of 2000, the final amount of compensatory aid paid to European banana producers has 'returned to normal' with EUR 210 million for production totalling 767 000 tonnes and aid per tonne of EUR 283.6 (not counting supplementary aid), that is to say a reduction of nearly EUR 100 in comparison with 2000.
Mots-clés : banane; musa; accord international; union européenne; réglementation des marchés; subvention; guadeloupe; canaries (îles); espagne; portugal; madère; grèce; france
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Article (c-notoriété en attente de mise à jour)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Loeillet Denis — Persyst / UPR GECO