Terroir: the technical basis of geographical indication some factors to be considered in the case of coffee
Avelino J., Perriot J.J., Guyot B., Pineda C., Cilas C.. 2002. In : ICCRI. National Coffee Symposium, Denpasar, Bali, 16-17 October 2002. Jember : ICCRI, 11 p.. National Coffee Symposium, 2002-10-16/2002-10-17, Denpasar (Indonésie).
Terroir is commonly considered as the geographical area where the product distinguished by a geographical indication comes from. The specific quality of the product is due to the effect of the terroir. This study enabled the identification of certain location and intervention factors that should be taken into account when defining terroirs in the case of coffee, due to their effects on quality. A survey of 52 plots in Honduras showed that beverage quality was particularly linked to height above sea level, rainfall, soil acidity, shading, productivity and bean size.
Mots-clés : coffea arabica; fève de café; café; provenance; appellation d'origine; qualité; facteur lié au site; facteur du milieu; torréfaction; honduras
Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Avelino Jacques — Bios / UMR PHIM
- Cilas Christian — Bios / UMR AGAP