Methodological integration for sustainable natural resource management beyond field/farm level : Lessons from the ecoregional initiative for the humid and sub-humdi tropics of Asia
Kam S.P., Castella J.C., Chu Thai Hoanh, Trébuil G., Bousquet F.. 2002. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 9 : p. 383-395.
Integrated natural resources management (INRM) has to address both the livelihood goals of farmers and the ecological sustainability of agro-ecosystems and. natural resources. Under the Ecoregional Initiative for the Humid and Sub-Humid Tropics of Asia Ecor (I) Asia - one major set of activities has been the development of approaches, methodologies, and tools to meet the challenges of INRM research for sustainable agricultural development. Examples provided illustrate the role of these methodologies in the three main phases of knowledge development for improving INRM impact: knowledge generation, knowledge capitalization, and knowledge mobilization. The methodologies are designed for better integration across disciplines, spatial scales, and hierarchical levels of social organization. Attempts are made to quantify trade-offs between biophysical sustainability and socio-economic considerations. The case is made for using these methodologies in a more complementary manner to help bridge the topdown and bottom-up approaches in INRM. Inherent in the developing and implementing of these methodologies is the forging of partnerships and fostering linkages with multiple stakeholders, as well as using the knowledge base and integrative tools as communication platforms.
Mots-clés : gestion des ressources; durabilité; méthode; projet de recherche; asie; thaïlande; viet nam; approche systémique
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Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bousquet François — Es / UMR SENS