Publications des agents du Cirad


Methods to promote healthier animal production : Examples in periurban poultry production around Dakar

Cardinale E., Porphyre V., Bastianelli D.. 2002. s.l. : s.n., n.p.. Conférence électronique sur les Méthodes appropriées pour l'agriculture urbaine, 2002-02-04/2002-02-16, Leusden (Pays-Bas).

Animal diseases in periurban intensive poultry production are associated economical hazard for the producers. There is also health hazard for the consumer, with evidences of foodborne diseases du to poultry meat in Dakar. Most contamination and diseases originate in the inappropriate practices and buildings, as well as in the lack of regulations and controls. The objectives of the actions led by ISRA and CIRAD in Dakar are (i) - to develop a avian pathology laboratory to support the production sector, (ii) - to animate a network on epidemiological information (RESESAV) and (iii) - to study the contamination of poultry products through the production chain in order to identify critical points. The involvement of veterinarians and field technicians in this effort is considerable. It is the basis for al the actions of the network: they sensitize the farmers to the importance of prevention, they use the laboratory to help for diagnosis and provide a feedback on disease nature and severity which allow a general epidemiological survey and they facilitate access to the field for the experiments. The development of tools and actions for the control of diseases in poultry production appears to be a "virtuous cycle" because the presence of a reliable laboratory encourages veterinarians to provide sound diagnosis and the farmers to adopt a more rational management of health in their flock, which in turn stimulates the activity of the laboratory.

Mots-clés : épidémiologie; volaille; réseau de recherche; élevage intensif; agriculture périurbaine; pathologie; sénégal

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