Report on the visite to P.T. SOCFINDO oil palm estates, Indonesia, 19 - 24 May 2003, 2 - 10 June 2003
Caliman J.P.. 2003. Montpellier : CIRAD-CP, 32 p.. numero_rapport: CP_SIC 1662.
A reminder is given of the diagram showing how mineral nutrition is managed in the estates. Knowledge of soil characteristics and their monitoring over time is an important point. In general, the situation in the field is satisfactory, but a few possible improvements are recommended: - Being selective in the choice of fertilizers (soluble fertilizers for zones with low leaf contents - e.g. Mg and P). - Taking topography into account in fertilizer schedules. When replanting, it is recommended that fertilization be halted nearer to the time of felling, to reduce the risk of a drop in yields. Several trials are suggested to adjust fertilization: - It is worth studying oil palm requirements in immature plantings Oust after planting) bearing in mind the use of Mucuna bracteata as the cover crop. - It is worth determining the impact of mineral nutrition on oil extraction rates (CPO and KPO). A study protocol is provided.
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Caliman Jean-Pierre — Persyst / UMR ABSys