Modernizing the cotton classing [clasification systems] in Mozambique : final report
Fok M., Bachelier B., Gadaga P.V.. 2004. Montpellier : CIRAD, 116 p..
The diagnosis study of the Mozambican cotton sector, conducted in 2001, pointed out that the cotton classing in the country had to be modernized so that it could comply with the requirements of the cotton world market and transaction rules. The present study is implemented to provide the possible visions of the desired modernization. The mission was implemented through an original way. The organization of a seminar enabled to provide a presentation destined to help the cotton sector stakeholders having comparable level of information on a technical issue. The mission allows also to collect samples of cotton lint and to re-class them by modern method. Mozambique is particular in having a centralized system of cotton classing which is conducted as a public service provision. Although this is sometimes questioned in the country, this scheme appears to be adapted to preserve the reputation of the cotton in a country where many private operators are involved. Mozambique is also particular in the application of a scheme of administrative authorization of the exportation contracts. The two specific schemes allow Mozambique to collect a lot of information which is potentially valuable to help monitor the cotton sector but which is far from being exploited. The Mozambican cotton is classed in four IAM classing offices, on bale-to-bale basis, by the manual and visual method, as it is the case in many other African cotton producing countries. There is nevertheless large room for improvement since the classing facilities and equipment are still far from the state of-the-art. Moreover, except during an annual meeting, classers appear to be isolated the ones from the others, with no opportunity along the classing campaign to ensure that there is no classing drift among them. The IAM classing department does not have specific budget and suffers from the lack of financial means to perform properly. It is isolated from equivalent department in other African countries. In spite of ha
Mots-clés : coton; fibre végétale; fibre textile; qualité technologique; propriété technologique; label de qualité; contrôle de qualité; mozambique
Document technique
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bachelier Bruno — Persyst / UPR AIDA