The response of Carlos Botelho (Lobo, Broa) reservoir to the passage of cold fronts as reflected by physical, chemical, and biological variables
Tundisi J.G., Matsumura-Tundisi T., Arantes Junior J.D., Tundisi J.E.M., Manzini N.F., Ducrot R.. 2004. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 64 (1) : p. 177-186.
This paper describes and discusses the impacts of the passage of cold fronts on the vertical structure of the Carlos Botelho (Lobo-Broa) Reservoir as demonstrated by changes in physical, chemical, and biological variables. The data were obtained with a continuous system measuring 9 variables in vertical profiles in the deepest point of the reservoir (12 m) coupled with climatological information and satellite images, during a 32-day period in July and August, 2003. During periods of incidence of cold fronts the reservoir presented vertical mixing. After the dissipation of the cold fronts a period of stability followed with thermal, chemical, and biological (chlorophyll-a) stratification. Climatological data obtained during the cold front passage showed lower air temperature, higher wind speed and lower solar radiation. The response of this reservoir can exemplify a generalized process in all shallow reservoirs in the Southeast Brazil and could have several implications for management, particularly in relation to the phytoplankton population dynamics and development of cyanobacterial blooms. Using this as a basis, a predictive model will be developed with the aim of advancing management strategies specially for the drinking water reservoirs of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.
Mots-clés : bassin versant; réservoir d'eau; facteur climatique; circulation atmosphérique; froid; réaction biochimique; phytoplancton; cyanobacteria
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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Ducrot Raphaèle — Es / UMR G-EAU