CD 410, variedade precoce de algodão com alto potencial de produção de fibra para regiões do sul do Brasil
Bélot J.L., Pupim Junior O., De Andrade Vilela P.M.C., Zambiasi T.C., Martin J., Ribeiro G.. 2005. In : Anais do V Congresso Brasileiro de Algodão, uma fibra natural, 29/08 a 1/09/05, Salvador, Bahia. Campina Grande : EMBRAPA-CNPA, 5 p.. Congresso Brasileiro de Algodão. 5, 2005-08-29/2005-09-01, Salvador (Brésil).
Coodetec/Cirad's breeding programme is now releasing a new short season cotton cultivar for growers in the south of Brazil. The material derives from a breeding programme developed in Palotina, in the state of Paraná, and was obtained through the pedigree selection method. The CD 98-1178 line, being the result of a crossing of varieties from an Argentinean and Paraguayan genetic pool, was tested on growing periods 01/02, 02/03 and 03/04 in the experimental network of the states of Paraná and São Paulo. Over 30 trials were carried out. With a season profile similar to the CD401 variety currently grown in those areas, the CD 410 variety has cylinder-shaped plants and good boll retention at the first position. Its disease tolerance profile is also very similar to the CD 401 variety, and it is sensitive to "ramulose'', cotton rust Ramule ria and the nematodes. It is resistant to bacteriosis. Its major differential is its ginning turnout - it stands above 3 per cent of CD401 -, which ensures high fiber yields per hectare, and high standard of intrinsic quality fibers. CD 410 is relatively demanding in terms of fertility and it is more responsive; it is a useful choice for cotton growers with a medium and high level of technical capabilities and skills in the south of Brazil.
Mots-clés : gossypium; variété à haut rendement; fibre végétale; brésil
Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Martin José — Persyst / UPR AIDA