Publications des agents du Cirad


Macrofauna pattern in conventional and direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems in North Cameroon

Brévault T., Bikay S., Naudin K.. 2005. In : FAO. 3rd World Congress on Conservation Agriculture : Linking Production, Livelihoods and Conservation, Nairobi, Kenya, 3rd to 7th October 2005. s.l. : s.n., 7 p.. Congrès mondial d'agriculture de conservation. 3, 2005-10-03/2005-10-07, Nairobi (Kenya).

Within the framework of adopting direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems (DMC) in cotton farming systems in North Cameroon, we compared the macrofauna patterns from four soil management techniques: (1) non tilled soil covered with the graminousceae Brachiaria ruzisiensis, (2) non tilled soil covered with leguminous plants, Crotalaria retusa or Mucuna pruriens, (3) non tilled soil and (4) conventional tilled soil. In both study sites, micro-plots had been subjected to the same farming systems for the past 3 years. Sampling of organisms was carried out from soil cubes (30 cm) examination, including soil and litter. The findings revealed that diversity, equitability as well as abundance of extracted macrofauna were found to be generally more important in mulch-based cropping plots: soil and surface litter transformers (earthworms, diplura, thysanura, etc.), but also predators (spiders, centipedes, carabids, etc.) and phytophagous arthropods such as millipedes. These preliminary results underline a significant impact of soil management techniques on macrofauna pattern and trophic communities, with key organisms serving as potential indicators of the biological activity of the soil.

Mots-clés : gossypium; micro-organisme du sol; système de culture; paillage; travail du sol; cameroun

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