Farmers' strategies and improved rubber agroforestry systems : planting fruit and timber trees with rubber. Tapping practices and rubber production. Farming system analysis. Support mission report n° 2 Indonesia and Thailand from 29 may to 10 june 2006
Penot E., Eschbach J.M.. 2006. Montpellier : CIRAD-TERA, 78 p.. numero_rapport: CIRAD-TERA N° 49-06.
The second phase of SRAP occurred from 1998 to 2004 with D Boutin (CIRAD-CP) as team leader. The third phase began with the launch of the project on "Improving the productivity of rubber smallholdings through Rubber Agroforestry Systems", funded by the CFC, called SRAS. A first technical support mission has been implemented in February 2005, undertaken by E. Penot and JM Eschbach, from CIRAD. The purpose of this second mission (May-June 2006) is the following: - inspecting field trials, holding discussions and making recommendations, particularly for tapping (JM Eschbach), - analysis of the technicaVeconomic simulation and modelling implemented with the software "Olympe" developed by INRA, CIRAD and IAMM (E. Penot). Proposal for further analysis and set-up of a farming system reference monitoring network. Further research is suggested on associated trees with rubber in RAS systems, in particular in terms of outputs in order to feed the model with detailed and accurate data on agroforestry systems and impact on farmers 's income. The mission was composed of Gede Wibawa (Indonesia), Laxman Joshi (Thailande), Eric Penot and Jean Marie Eschbach with the participation of ICRAF staff.
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Rapport de mission
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Penot Eric — Es / UMR Innovation