Indicadores agro-ambientales para la producción sostenible de aceite de palma
Caliman J.P., Carcasses R., Perel R., Wohlfahrt J., Girardin P., Wahyu Pujianto A., Dubos B., Verwilghen A.. 2007. Palmas, 28 (1) : p. 434-445. International Oil Palm Conference. 15, 2006-09-19/2006-09-22, Cartagena de Indias (Colombie).
The pressure by various organizations worldwide to conduct human productive activities in a sustainable manner has been increasing in the last few years. In the agricultural sector, the oil palm is in the crosshairs of some NGO's, as they consider that its growing development contributes to significant deforestation of the tropical rain forest, and often to social problems with regards to local populations. In response, national regulations have been reinforced, particularly in order to reduce the risk of pollution related to palm oil production. The RSPO (Roundtable on Sustain-able Palm Oil) was then created with the main objective of adopting the best practices. In order to achieve the objective, a set of principles and criteria have been established. However, the tools required for the verification and evaluation of these principles and criteria have yet to be defined by the plantations. To this and, Cirad, in collaboration with its partners, notably PT. Smart-, has started to build a set of agri-environmental indicators, and the purpose of this article is to present their potential for the sustainable production of palm oil.
Mots-clés : elaeis guineensis; développement durable; évaluation de l'impact; impact sur l'environnement; méthodologie; indicateur; pratique culturale; indonésie; france
Documents associés
Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Caliman Jean-Pierre — Persyst / UMR ABSys