Publications des agents du Cirad


The impact of support for imports on food security in Indonesia

Rusastra I.W., Napitupulu T.A., Bourgeois R.. 2008. Bogor : UNESCAP-CAPSA, 58 p.. (CAPSA Working Paper, 101).

The objective was to collect the necessary information and to provide an analysis on the national impact of export support measures and food aid on food security, focusing on the primary imports that receive support from the exporting countries and the primary food aid products. The Indonesian country study aimed to address the section of the general study that was reconducted by GRET and devoted to the local impact of export support measures and food aid. It is also aimed to complete the section of that study that focuses on the impact on the international market.

Mots-clés : sécurité alimentaire; exportation; importation; politique de soutien; politique des exportations; politique alimentaire; aide alimentaire; produit alimentaire; indonésie; produit de base


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