Natural resources governance scales and social learning approaches in peri-urban areas: Contribution experience in Bolivia and Brazil
Ducrot R.. 2008. In : Dedieu Benoît (ed.). Empowerment of the rural actors. A renewal of farming systems perspectives : 8th European IFSA Symposium, 6-10 July 2008, Clermond-Ferrand. Paris : INRA, p. 63-74. European IFSA Symposium. 8, 2008-07-06/2008-07-10, Clermont-Ferrand (France).
Competition for water, often associated with a struggle for land, tends to be exacerbated in pen-urban areas because of the conflicting interests of the users, a dynamic land use pattern and specific hydrological functions provided to the city. The variety of stakeholder processes dealing with water often puts local nested approaches fully taking into account local strategies into opposition with basin-scale approaches able to engage in broader issues such as sustainability or global pressure. Assistance to multi-stakeholders' processes using simulation tools such as role playing games were tested in the metropolitan areas of two South American cities: 1) in the periphery of Cochabamba, to facilitate conflict resolution stemming from thé impact of urbanisation on the irrigation infrastructure, and 2) in the peri-urban areas of São Paulo to assist in negotiations on land and water management in a protected catchment. Both interventions designed to broaden the stakeholders' perspectives and facilitate the exchange of the different actors' views of water and land management by participation in role-playing activities. Both acknowledged the need to bridge to the gap between local-level management and regional-level management. This paper discusses the problems encountered by these two interventions to bridge local-level and regional-level land and water management needs. Both experiences underlined how different the issues at stake for the same problem were between local and regional management, thus limiting direct appropriation and integration at regional-level social leaming processes initiated at the local level (or vice-versa). Bridging the gap between these management levels was more complex than simply integrating stakeholders in the discussion process and developing better communication. The need for the development of a specific approach to facilitate interaction mechanisms between the two management levels or to creatively use the tensions between the differen
Mots-clés : brésil; bolivie (État plurinational de)
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Ducrot Raphaèle — Es / UMR G-EAU