Publications des agents du Cirad


Elaboração multidisciplinar e participativa de jogos de papéis: uma experiência de modelagem de acompanhamento em torno da gestão dos mananciais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo

Ducrot R., Jacobi P.R., Barban V., Clavel L., Camargo M.E., Chagas de Carvalho Y.M., Fernandes Franca T.J., Sendacz S.. 2008. Ambiente e Sociedade, 16 (2) : p. 355-372.

DOI: 10.1590/S1414-753X2008000200010

The development of simulation tools like role-playing games require the integration of some knowledge and several representations which guarantee its legitimacy and the possibility to be used as a mediation platform in collective discussions about environmental conflicts. The paper presents and discusses the use of the companion modeling approach in the development of two role-playing games dealing with water and land management in the periurban catchment of the metropolitan region of São Paulo.

Mots-clés : méthodologie; modélisation environnementale; étude de cas; gestion des eaux; zone suburbaine; trouble social; aménagement du territoire; approche participative; sao paulo; modélisation d'accompagnement; jeu de role

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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)

Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :