Comparing land use policies in seven emrging and developing countries (Tunisia, Kenya, India, China, Mali, Indonesia, Brazil) : an impossible task? Contribution of a typology
Bonin M., Coudel E., Tonneau J.P., Cisse Y., Purushothaman S., Rodrigues Filho S., Sghaïer M., Ounalli N., Xiaoping S., Feng S.. 2009. In : LXVI Colloque Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française, 06-08 juillet 2009, Clermont-Ferrand, France. s.l. : s.n., 20 p.. Colloque Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française. 46, 2009-07-06/2009-07-08, Clermont-Ferrand (France).
Evaluating land use policies presents great difficulties. To understand the stakes of land use policies, this study builds on a review of land use policies in selected case studies in seven countries (Tunisia, Kenya, India, China, Mali, Indonesia, Brazil). A total of seventy-four policies were identified in all the seven countries and were characterized with a common template. A typology of land use policies has been defined and applied. The different types of land use policies reflect different conceptions of development that we have characterized by several myths: the myth of the market, the myth of state control on natural resources and the myth of self-management.
Mots-clés : utilisation des terres; tunisie; kenya; inde; chine; indonésie; brésil; mali
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bonin Muriel — Es / UMR TETIS
- Coudel Emilie — Es / UMR SENS