Linking cropping system and food web models to assess agroecosystem community stability : Example of litter macrofauna in banana systems [Texte intégral]
Tixier P., Duyck P.F.. 2009. In : Conference ISEM 2009. Ecological modelling for enhanced sustainability in management, October 6-9, 2009, Québec, Canada. s.l. : s.n., p. 181-181. Conference ISEM 2009, 2009-10-06/2009-10-09, Québec (Canada).
Mots-clés : musa; agroécosystème; antilles françaises; france
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Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Duyck Pierre François — Bios / UMR PVBMT
- Tixier Philippe — Persyst / UPR GECO