Publications des agents du Cirad


Nymphocixia caribbea (Fennah) (Homoptera : Cixiidae) potential candidate as coconut lethal yellowing vector in the Carribean

Dollet M., Llauger R., Fabre S., Julia J.F., Gonzalez C., Cueto J.R.. 2010. In : COST Action FA0807 Current status and perspectives of phytoplasma disease research and management, Sitges, Espagne, 1-02 February, 2010. s.l. : s.n., 1 p.. Meeting Current Status and Perspectives of Phytoplasma Disease Research and Management. 2, 2010-02-01/2010-02-02, Sitges (Espagne).

Mots-clés : cocos nucifera; phytoplasme; vecteur de maladie; cixiidae; cuba; caraïbes; jaunissement mortel

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