Publications des agents du Cirad


Lessons learned on linking innovation with social equity: poverty and food supply chains in Vietnam

Thi Tan Loc N., Dao Thê Anh, Hoang Vu Quang, Moustier P., Sautier D.. 2010. In : Coudel Emilie (ed.), Devautour Hubert (ed.), Soulard Christophe-Toussaint (ed.), Hubert Bernard (ed.). International symposium ISDA 2010. Innovation and sustainable development in agriculture and food : Abstracts and papers. Montpellier : CIRAD, 2 p.. International symposium ISDA 2010, 2010-06-28/2010-07-01, Montpellier (France).

1. Objective of the paper : Vietnam stands out as a particularly relevant country for innovation and poverty studies. It is a significant example of fast track economic development which has led to curb drastically poverty rate over the last decades. Since the doi mo'i policy reforms have been implemented in the late 1980's, poverty rate, measured by international standard, was almost reduced at halves during 1993-2002 (from 58% to 29%) (Phung, 2005)., and decreased at a -2,6% per year reduction rate from 22% in 2005 to 13% en 2008. Yet this general figure encompasses contrasting realities. This paper offers an original, sectorial view on these processes, through a cross-cutting review of poverty-related effects of agrifood system development, as shown by studies on the food production, trade and retail system in Vietnam. 2. Methods : Data is obtained from the following collaborative projects, which all involved specific pro-poor objectives and strategies, and dealt with the following innovations - Mobilisation de l'Information au Service des Politiques Agricoles (Market information) - M4P (Making markets work for the poor) (linkages with supermarkets) (Figuie & Moustier 2009) - Superchain (buyer-driven quality schemes with internal rules and external contracts) (Moustier et al. 2009) - Gripavi (introduction of new mandatory food safety regulations) - Quality management and collective action (collective production and/or market access management) - Geographical indications feasibility and monitoring studies (land-based labelling) (Binh &Dao 2006). These studies were funded by diverse agencies such as DFID, IFAD, ANR, INRA, ADB, 4. Results This paper brings two types of results. First a review of methods is conducted on how the different studies took into account the link between the respective key innovations, and the equity issue (Rondot et al. 2004). Theoretical references and methodological choices are highlighted and compared. Second, the results themsel
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