Publications des agents du Cirad


Water and energy fluxes above an Eucalyptus plantation in Brazil : environmental control and comparison with two eucalypt plantations in Congo

Nouvellon Y., Stape J.L., Laclau J.P., Bonnefond J.M., Loos R., Da Rocha H.R., Campoe O., Marsden C., Bouillet J.P., Kinana A., Le Maire G., Saint André L., Epron D., Roupsard O.. 2010. In : IUFRO. Canopy processes in a changing climat South East Australia, Sir Mark Oliphan Conferences International Frontiers of Science of Technology, Victoria, Tasmania, 07-05 October 2010. s.l. : s.n., (34 vues). Sir Mark Oliphant Conference on International Frontiers of Science and technology, 2010-10-07/2010-10-15, Victoria (Australie).

Communication de congrès

Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :