Report on the mission to the GOPDC estates (Ghana). 4 to 10 december 2010
Bonneau X.. 2011. Montpellier : CIRAD, 31 p.. numero_rapport: CIRAD-PERSYST N°2387.
Trial GH ES 02 has had an exceptional yield in its eighth year after planting: 20 tons of FFB per hectare on average, with the first signs (though not yet significant) of the unfertilized control palms falling behind. A final fertilizer application under the protocol will be carried out in May 2011 (the same rate on the 5 fertilized treatments), a final leaf analysis will be undertaken in November 2011 and the trial will be halted in June 2012, at 10 years. Trial GH ES 03 has also had an exceptional yield in its sixth year after planting: 17 tons of FFB per hectare on average, with the Flanamat treatment doing best. Given that GOPDC will no longer be using Flanamat or Sulpomag, this trial will be converted to test increasing KCI rates, after a transitional period of 2 years in which the leaf K and CI contents will be homogenized. Trial GH ES 04 is still showing a'dominant relief effect: the palms planted in a lowland area are growing better than those planted in an upland area. There are the beginnings of a treatment effect (increasing Flanamat rates) on growth. Yield recording began in January 2010. Given that GOPDC will no longer be using Flanamat, it is KCI fertilizer that will be applied on this trial starting in 2011, keeping the same protocol and increasing rates. Experiment GH CP 03 is confirming a repeatable dominant subsoiling effect, and secondarily a gypsum application effect. Harvesting began in April 2010. In the Kwae Nucleus, nothing was planted in 2010. The palms are in good nutritional condition, but many blocks are invaded by Panicum. At Okumaning, 200 hectares were planted but subsequently pulled out in 2010, 500 hectares are scheduled for 2011. The palms are in good nutritional condition, but are also suffering from re-infestation by weeds. GOPDC has changed its policy with regard to the Outgrowers, with closure of the collection centres and payment for bunches delivered to the mill at a price supposed to cover transport costs. Fertilizers are no
Mots-clés : elaeis guineensis; ghana
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Rapport de mission