Ecological mechanisms for pest and disease control in coffee and cacao agroecosystems of the neotropics
Avelino J., Ten Hoopen G.M., DeClerck F.. 2011. In : Rapidel Bruno (ed.), DeClerck Fabrice (ed.), Le Coq Jean-François (ed.), Beer John (ed.). Ecosystem services from agriculture and agroforestry : measurement and payment. Londres : Earthscan Publications, p. 91-117.
Mots-clés : coffea; theobroma cacao; agroécosystème; biodiversité; lutte biologique; agent de lutte biologique; organisme nuisible; contrôle de maladies; costa rica; cameroun
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Avelino Jacques — Bios / UMR PHIM
- Ten Hoopen Gerben Martijn — Dg / Dg