The innovative and normative role of culture in urban development policies : Questioning "Peripheries" in urban spaces of Brazil and Portugal
Valette E., Bautès N.. 2011. In : by Márcio Moraes Valença, Fernanda Cravidão and José Alberto Rio Fernandes (eds). Urban developments in Brazil and Portugal. New York : Nova Science Publisher, 22 p..
The present chapter focuses on the development process of a territorial and cultural economy in areas defined and considered, in very different ways, as "peripheries". Using the examples of Oeiras in the metropolis of Lisbon (Portugal) and the favela Morro da Providência in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), it identifies and highlights two particular ways of dealing with culture in metropolitan urban policies. Each example expresses in a different way the same will of local authorities to refer to universal urban development benchmarks in public policies where culture appears as a driven strategy (Krueger & Buckingham, 2009). In particular, the chapter considers the link of both the normative and innovative roles of culture in urban development policies with imitation and invention. It concludes by questioning the place of cultural demands in current urban policies and its integration within metropolitan frameworks. It suggests that the urban development landscapes refer to normative benchmarks in which territorial innovation seems to disappear behind discursive and practical prospective methods. Finally, creative-city scripts and their ability to requalify and to generate more attractive and more sustainable spaces are put into perspective.
Mots-clés : développement urbain; politique de développement; facteurs culturels; rio de janeiro; portugal; développement territorial
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Valette Elodie — Es / UMR ART-DEV