Publications des agents du Cirad


DigR : how to model root system in its environment? 1 - the model

Rey H., Barczi J.F., Jourdan C.. 2011. In : IBC2011. XVIII International Botanical Congress, 23-30 July 2011, Melbourne, Australia. s.l. : s.n., p. 176-177. International Botanical Congress. 18, 2011-07-23/2011-07-30, Melbourne (Australie).

Many models already exist through literature dealing with root system representation, among which pure structure models such as Root Typ (Pagès 2004), SimRoot (Lynch 1997), AmapSim (Jourdan 1997); diffusion PDE models (Bastian 2008; Bonneu 2009) and structure/function that are rather scarce and recent (Dupuy 2010)may be aroused. Nevertheless in these studies, root architecture modeling was not carried out at organ level including environmental influence and not designed for integration into a whole plant characterization. We propose here a multidisciplinary study on root system from field observations, architectural analysis, formal and mathematical modeling and finally software simulation. Each speciality is individually investigated through an integrative and coherent approach that leads to a generic model (DigR) and its software simulator that is designed for further integration into a global structure/function plant model. DigR model is based on three main key points: (i) independent root type identification (ii) architectural analysis and modeling of root system at plant level; (iii) root architecture setup indexed on root length. Architecture analysis (Barthelemy 2007) applied to root system (Atger 1994) leads to root type organisation for each species. Roots belonging to a particular type share dynamical and morphological characteristics. Root architectural setup consists in topological features as apical growth, lateral branching, senescence and death, and geometrical features as secondary growth and axes spatial positioning. These features are modeled in DigR through 23 parameters whose values can evolve as a function of length position along the root axes for each root type. Topology rules apical growth speed, delayed growth, death and self pruning probabilities. Branching is characterized by spacing and mixture of lateral root types. Geometry rules root diameter increase, branching and growth directions (including local deviations and global reorientation

Mots-clés : système racinaire; modèle mathématique; plante

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