Mineralogy and weathering of soils under Eucalypt plantations in Pointe-Noire region, the Congo
Nzila J.D.D., Turpault M.P., Laclau J.P., Ranger J.. 2004. In : Nambiar E.K.S. (ed.), Ranger Jacques (ed.), Tiarks A. (ed.), Toma T. (ed.). Site management and productivity in tropical plantation forests : Proceedings of Workshops in Congo July 2001 and China February 2003. Jakarta : CIFOR, p. 205-207. Workshop on Site Management and Productivity in Tropical Plantation Forests, 2001-07-07/2001-07-13, Pointe-Noire (Congo).
Mots-clés : eucalyptus; plantation forestière; dégradation du sol; congo
Communication de congrès
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Laclau Jean-Paul — Dgdrs / Dgdrs