Dengue spatial and temporal patterns, French Guiana, 2001
Tran A., Deparis X., Dussart P., Morvan J., Rabarison P., Remy F., Polidori L., Gardon J.. 2004. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 10 (4) : p. 615-621.
To study a 2001 dengue fever outbreak in Iracoubo, French Guiana, we recorded the location of all patients' homes and the date when symptoms were first observed. A geographic information system was used to integrate the patient-related information. The Knox test, a classic space-time analysis technique, was used to detect spatiotemporal clustering. Analysis of the relative-risk (RR) variations when space and time distances vary, highlighted the maximum space and time extent of a dengue transmission focus. The results show that heterogeneity in the RR variations in space and time corresponds to known entomologic and epidemiologic factors, such as the mosquito feeding cycle and host-seeking behavior. This finding demonstrates the relevance and potential of the use of GIS and spatial statistics for elaborating a dengue fever surveillance strategy.
Mots-clés : vecteur de maladie; aedes aegypti; fièvre; virose; virus; épidémiologie; système d'information géographique; distribution spatiale; technique immunologique; guyane française; france
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Article (a-revue à facteur d'impact)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Tran Annelise — Es / UMR TETIS