Transferring the ComMod approach
Etienne M., Bousquet F., Le Page C., Trébuil G.. 2014. In : Etienne, Michel (ed.). Companion modelling: A participatory approach supporting sustainable development. Dordrecht : Springer, p. 291-309.
As the ComMod group is composed exclusively of research scientists, the facilitation of a ComMod process is for them an ongoing experiment that has lead to a diversity of practices. This penchant for experimentation has enabled them to define more precisely the stance and functions of facilitation during various stages in the implementation of the process (Chapter 3), and to identify and test methods and "ways of doing". These are meant to guarantee that stakeholders are able to share knowledge about the management of renewable natural resources in a given area, stimulate the co-design of a development project in this area, and/or facilitate communication between parties often in conflict. In numerous cases, project holders or certain participants expressed the desire to apply a similar approach to another issue or field, or to generalize the use of a tool on a population that was broader than initially covered by the process in which they had participated.
Mots-clés : modèle; approche participative; méthodologie; recherche; développement durable; formation; formation professionnelle; apprentissage; adoption de l'innovation; enseignement; enseignement à distance; modélisation d'accompagnement; système multiagents
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Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Bousquet François — Es / UMR SENS
- Le Page Christophe — Es / UMR SENS