Publications des agents du Cirad


Legislações e constituições como interfaces entre sistemas de troca de reciprocidade

Sabourin E.. 2011. Cadernos do LEME, 3 (2) : p. 1-20.

This article aims to analyze and discuss the role of the laws of land and indigenous communities and national constitutions in multi-ethnic states as interfaces of systems. From the recognition of communities of reciprocity, they may constitute mechanisms of dialogue contributing to overcome the tensions and contradictions between the indigenous systems of reciprocity and national system governed by the principle of exchange. The proposal is based on field research in the Peruvian Amazon and in New Caledonia and in the analysis of recent national constitutions of the Republics of Ecuador and Bolivia.

Mots-clés : système de valeurs; troc; législation; groupe éthnique; droit foncier; propriété commune; accès à la terre; communauté rurale; Équateur; bolivie (État plurinational de); pérou; amazonie; nouvelle-calédonie; france

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Article (b-revue à comité de lecture)

Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :