The world avocado market in 2011-12. Soon to reach a million tonnes?
Imbert E.. 2012. Fruitrop (English ed.) (203) : p. 17-27.
The world avocado market demonstrated once again during the last season that it was not affected by the down-turn, at least that of growth of consumption. World trade reached a record level at more than 860 000 t, an increase of 100 000 t in comparison with the preceding season! The quantities traded at world scale have thus more than doubled since 2003 thanks to an average annual growth of some 10%. If the market continues to be as strong in the coming seasons, the symbolic threshold of 1 million tonnes should be crossed in 2014-15. The betting is open!
Mots-clés : avocat; marché mondial; données de production; prix; consommation alimentaire; commerce extérieur; amérique du sud; pays de l'union européenne; États-unis d'amérique; afrique; mexique; chili; pérou; argentine; kenya; espagne; brésil; république dominicaine; maroc; israël
Article (c-notoriété en attente de mise à jour)
Agents Cirad, auteurs de cette publication :
- Imbert Eric — Persyst / UPR GECO