Publications des agents du Cirad


Sustained training mission. Food and mouth disease control Paraguay. Monday 19 july - friday 23 november 2012

Jori F.. 2012. Bruxelles : European Commission, 31 p..

This is the second mission commanded by the EC after the recent FMD outbreaks occurred at the end of 2011 and beginning of 2012, which led to the suspension of the status of Free Country with vaccination by the OIE in 2012. The objective of this mission was to evaluate the measures taken by the competent veterinary authorities from Paraguay to provide adequate guarantees for the control of Foot and Mouth Disease, particularly after the first mission in July 2012. Substantial progress is being made in the Laboratory FMD capacities (including virus isolation) and the development of a National Information system (SIGOR III) which is now connected to all the national veterinary units, livestock fairs, abattoirs, Animal Health Centers (AHC) and which is able to provide in real time information on cattle holding registrations, vaccination status of farms or the movement of animals per year in each livestock holding and the stock of vaccine in circulation in the country. Since the last outbreaks, major efforts have been invested in the organization, implementation and efficiency of vaccination campaigns by AHC and Regional Veterinary Offices and several legislation changes have been implemented to accompany this process. This has important benefits in the field of vaccination efficiency but it also results in certain negligence in the passive surveillance activities which might be perceived as secondary by the local veterinary staff. In the area of active surveillance, a national survey has been undertaken with active participation of MERCOSUR countries and PANAFTOSA. The sampling design is risk based and should be able to provide more convincing results on the absence of circulation of FMD viruses to international stakeholders and beef trade partners. In that respect, Chile is already in conversations with Paraguay to re-opne their market for Paraguayan beef in 2013.

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